Launchpad issue?

So, we are trying to figure out what to do to get this Launchpad F5529 working, and i have no idea. I followed the documentation, but i can’t seem to find out where to hook my button up to on the Launchpad, so when i enable the driver station i get an indicator on the joystick panel in the DS showing i am pressing a button.

That link is a good resource, but is designed around the Stellaris/Tiva C LaunchPad instead of the MSP430 included in the kit. Please use the following link for the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad in this year’s kit of parts:

After you program the device, if you look at the pinout options, you need to connect one of the blue Digital Buttons to the 3.3V pin for the driverstation indicator to turn ‘On’, and connect it to the GND pin to turn it ‘Off’. The schematic in the documentation shows how you should connect your button in this case.

Thank you Alan! You always reply first to my posts haha. Also, i have looked at but it doesn’t show a backview of the Launchpad, and its hard for me to picture how the buttons hook up. I also have hooked up the 3.3v and GND, but when i ran my driver station nothing shows up as being pressed.

So i was looking at all of the pictures of the examples on that link, and something just popped to mind. Am i supposed to connect my buttons via a ribbon cable to the pins on the top of the board?

Swodaem, we used the ribbon cables in the examples, but you dont have to. They provided an easy way to breakout all the signals to solderable connections, and hold really well to the LaunchPad pin headers.

I’ve also had success using header wires like these:
You just chop off one end and its easy to solder to your switches.

Or, you can desolder the headers that are on there, and solder straight to the board. The connection and buttons are all to you. All the LaunchPad cares about is getting the 3.3V signal.

Sweet! Hopefully it will work!