Lavery Kamen 08

Ok so I’m sure everyone is aware of the presidential election in 2008, if you aren’t well hey theres a presidential election in 2008. Now a simple back story Joey Levine(Mister Juggles) and myself were discussing politics and who we would likely vote for. Then as most of our topics do it moved towards FIRST and we thought of the best candidates that our country has or will ever see. Dave Lavery and Dean Kamen.

While they are not actually running we can consider this their unofficial official poke from us. Now Dave just to sweeten the deal, if you guys run I will personally buy you a dozen, dozen donuts, of your choosing from krispy kreme of course.

Like anything interesting and off the wall, there is of course a FB group for it found here:

Happy 2008 voting everyone!!!

I am so pumped for this, it will be the first real election of any kind that I will be able to vote in. I can just imagine Dean delivering the State of the Union on a Segway. Their platform would be very science based, it would be an interesting couple. Dean would be like Ross Perot, only without the ridiculous ears.

Well one thing I’m sure they’ll have is a strong education platform, and I’m sure they’ll clean up green house gases (ship them all to mars), one thing I think they’ll need to clarify is their Foreign Policy, expanding regionals into Canada, Israel, and Brazil just won’t cut it. I’m thinking they’ll improve our educational system, then we can use our brainpower to beat out up bad people.

I’m still 100% John Stewart and Stephen Colbert for President for eternity. … On the other hand, I’m pretty sure Dave Lavery can single handedly fill every cabinet spot and do one hell of a job allllllllll with time to attend the regionals as well as come up with a new game! And dean…Sorry Dean I forgot you. I bet you would be our Secretary of State. I see you as an intelligent people person, not necessarily someone who likes to choke on pretzels. :slight_smile: IT would serve a better purpose because you could talk to nations about robotics and inspire some of the developing countries and/or countries in the ‘shadows’ about robotics and bringing up a generation of Bill Nyes and Einstein and Mr. Wizards.

On another note, 08 will be my first election to vote in.

& Dean doesn’t have top billing WHY?


So upon reading JUST the thread title…I pondered myself the question of:

Dave Lavery and Dean Kamen, or Sean Lavery and Libby Kamen?

But great idea. I joined the facebook group =]

sorry spaced.

Oh, har har michelle, VERRRRRYYYY funny.

I’m too young to be president anyway.

I too was frankly a little disappointed when I realized this wasn’t an aww-fest . Then I read on of course, and will join the facebook group soon.

You know how Diggers all sent nuts to CBS to get Jerico back? Maybe we can send Krispey Kremes to, hmm, idk, someone, Dave? and get him to run. LOL.

Kamen/Lavery '08 Top Three (3) Debate Topics:

  1. Legalize Segways in ALL cities and states.
  2. Replace NASCAR with FIRST as the top over 3 letter sports acronym. Also move ahead of NBA and NHL in total sports viewing.
  3. A FIRST team in every school and a regional event within 50 miles of every team, including Alaska, the Virgin Islands, and that other place that is an America commonwealth, but not a state.

Several other topics in the running are:

-Kamen medical inventions provided to those who can’t afford them under the No Person Left Debilitated Act of 2008.
-Remove boring Presidential debates and replace them with exciting FIRST competition (reruns).

Who’s gonna fill the cabinet spots?

Andy Baker - Department of Agriculture
Woodie Flowers - Department of Justice
JVN - Department of Transportation
Kathie Kentfield/Jenny Beatty - Department of Health and Human Services
Jess Boucher - Department of Labor
Al Skierkiewicz - Department of Energy
Brandon Martus - Department of Interior
Rich Kressly - Department of State

I’m kind of stumped for the remaining departments…

I thought Michelle created this thread the first time I saw it and meant just that. :stuck_out_tongue:

In a world where the government is conducted in a manner of Gracious Professionalism with its leaders coming from practical and mindful backgrounds in science, engineering, history, education, philosophy, communication, business, political science - just to name a few. It would be a different world.

Thats a paradox.

Big Mike for the Department of Homeland Security.

Karthik: Ambassador to Canada:p

NASCAR will never be replaced :stuck_out_tongue: lol But it can be a very close 2nd… already is in my book =]

Do we really want to give brandon more work?

If you think about it, then he will have more people under him. That means that the whole CD To do list could be done in a matter of hours by his staff and he could work on more important things, like an American website (country rather than robotics) with forums on a world scale?