Lead screws

what are some good options to use as a lead screw for frc?

When you say options, are you asking what lead screws teams have used before, or are you asking what have people used lead screws before to do? Being specific will increase the chance that someone is able to answer your question.

The type of lead screws teams have used, sorry for not clarifying

I know AndyMark is selling those REV (?) linear actuators now, which are powered by leadscrews.

We have had good luck with “Fast-Travel Precision Acme Threaded Rods” from McMaster.

They can also be purchased from amazon with free shipping if you have prime.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend you go to Nook Industries to look at leadscrew options before you select a particular screw. They have a a LOT of free online information about lead screws and the selection process for them. You should particularly educate yourself about the different end conditions and the definition of critical speed. I had a sub-team that didn’t believe me about the need to support both ends of the lead screws for our tote lift, and the screws nearly shook the system to pieces when they test ran it. After which they sheepishly admitted they needed to support both ends and started working on that.

I hesitate to say that your best option for a lead screw in FRC is to not use a lead screw in FRC, but it may be best to look at any historically successful applications of one in competition and determine if it fits your needs better than any other mechanism.

Leadscrews are a good and cheap non-backdrivable solution. Although I agree with you for many cases, there are instances (such as this year) where I might use one in place of pneumatics, winches, or worm gears.

The DART Actuators are made by IR3 Creative, not REV.