Learn Math and Science with Khan Academy

I thought I would post this channel on YouTube to fellow FIRSTers.
The Khan Academy is a channel dedicated to teaching students (mainly college students) Math, Science, History, Economics and more, in a very unique way.

The teacher in all of these videos is a Salman Khan, who in his free time uses a blackboard software and a microphone with a recording software to teach people through his YouTube channel. Sal started this channel when his niece asked him to help him in some pre-calculus lessons, and he decided he would do a video about it. Other people have seen his videos and said he explained the material very well and asked for even more videos. Since then, he’s channel has grown beyond the Math lessons to Biology, Physics and even Economics.

I first showed this channel to other students in my College and they all agreed that the Khan Academy helped them a lot in having a better understanding of the material that they have learned.

Personally, the Khan Academy has given me much preparation for the Linear Algebra course in college, and I’ve learned many cool stuff from him, such as Euler’s formula. I still learn new things from him. :slight_smile:

I just thought that since no one has yet posted this, and since he also teaches High School material, such as Pre-Calculus, Algebra and Trigonometry, this might be a help for FIRST students who need some extra help in thier Math lessons, and in general, some of the Physics and Math lessons might even help in gaining more knowledge when tackling the physical and logical challenges in building the robot.

Hope you enjoy. :smiley:

Google agrees.

Of course, Forgot to mention that. :smiley:


Sorry. :cool:

This is really cool. I’m going to pass the link on to local team leaders. This can be a very useful introductory teaching tool.