This is definitely possible, it may not be exactly the same each time but it will be close. As far as LabView goes I’m not sure, but with java or c++ you could log what your driver does, and then replay it.
Also due to the inaccuracies of wheels, I would recommend logging the gyro too. The combination of js inputs and a gyro should be pretty solid.
This is the problem with a sequential taught algorithm though, once you get off track, if it is simply a sequential memorized steps, it most likely won’t be able to find its way back to that sequential path.
That being said here is a clip from our 2006 robot.
We used sequential (dead reckoning) to get to the goal, and then a state machine once we were there (finding, aiming, and shooting).
What this allowed us to do was change the angle we pointed it for the initial approach, and that’s how we were able to dodge the robot who was going to block us. However if we were bumped during the sequential phase or changed the angle too much, we were done for (why we lost the finals
What you are proposing works well for accomplishing goals like this years where you did not have to be overly accurate and there was not much defense. Also it would have been good if you wanted several approach paths in '06, you could quickly record them and rerun them. However if accuracy is an issue, or there is a ton of defense ('09) a state machine may be better.
A sequential set of state machines would have worked well for this year. Sequential for driving, a state machine for ball detection and kicking.
So I would say sequential is good for joystick logs, encoders, dead reckoning, accelerometers, and gyros.
If you are using any other sensors they should be in a state machine.