Leaving Robotics, Can I Still Be A FIRST Alumni?

Right now I’m a junior, and for the past two years on my team I’ve been a subteam lead (aka the only person on that subteam), driver, strategy lead, as well as filling various support roles. I’m burnt out and have been for awhile. This alone might not be enough to make me decide to leave robotics after this season, but the other half of the problem is the lack of respect I get from my team and my superiors which I’m getting really sick of. I love FIRST and the people in it, but it has been my entire life for three years and I can’t do it anymore. If I don’t participate in robotics my senior year will I still qualify as a FIRST Alumni?


Yes, the requirements as I understand them are just having been on a team for a single year.


It’s sad that you are in this predicament. You are a FIRST Alumni and I hope you might consider volunteering at some area FIRST events so you could continue to enjoy the program in a less stressful way.


You must do what’s best for your mental health. Don’t be afraid to leave your team if that’s what you need to do.

BTW you are already an alum…

Yes, you are definitely an alum. The fact that you had the experience is more important than how it ended.

BTW, I’m very sorry to hear about the issues with your team, and I can relate to what you mean. If you ever want advice or to vent feel free to DM me.