Left or right handed robot?

Well I was wondering if your robot was left or right handed. Our robot isn’t designed far enough to tell yet BUT it will be either. What I mean by left and right handed is that your shooter is on one side or the other on your robot. If it’s in the center then I guess its ambidextrous!!

A robot with hands would be cool!

Hmm. Some drivers tend to turn left or right more frequently; maybe this would make a right or left handed robot?

Ours is a centered shooter… but like most years, our driver station is on the right and the ball handler is on the left, which I guess makes our driving setup British.

Can’t say right now, our robot is still in the womb :slight_smile:

Our robot is ambidextrous. It’s asymmetrical.


ours had to be on one side or the other and we figured we would have a slight advantage during autonomous if we were left handed.

By shooter, do you mean at the center? cuz then we’re none. But our kicking device is in the middle, so i guess ambidextrous.

Our robot has the shooter right in the center and , so far the bot is completely symmetrical, save the controls board.

our design calls for the launcher on one side or the other. We chose right handed because the team figured it would be more natural that way (Our team is mostly, if not entirely, right handed this year)

We’re not sure yet. Hence the reason we made this post.

It can rotate about 85 degrees from center to either the left or the right.

Our practice 'bot and our competition 'bot differ slightly in one spot. One uses the KOP’s left-handed window motor, and the other uses the right-handed one.

But the overall design has no preferred handedness.

The juggernaut robot catches with its right, but bats left…

Im suprised that there isn’t an option for all of the above…

Holy necro batman!

You brought us back to 2006 for this?

I even voted -_-
Let 2006 rest please.

Why not both?

It’s a necro thread, let it fall back into the abyss from which it came.