Legality of stepstool

From my week 0 experience, the drawbridge is a terrible hindrance to the drivers’ line of sight. But it’s almost short enough to see over. If I were six feet tall, the view would be quite better.

Would it be illegal to bring a stepstool or platform for drivers to stand on during a match? I don’t seem to recall any rules prohibiting that, but if legal, it may be useful under certain circumstances.

I think this would be certainly fine. Seeing as the rules only prohibit powered devices or vision-impeding things, a stepstool should be fine, as long as it isn’t powered. Not that I can think of a way you could power it :slight_smile: .

Also, seeing as the GDC says ok (jokingly, but still) to baguettes and turkey legs, this should definetly be fine.

No, see rule T26-1:

We asked this exact question on the Q&A (search on stool) and got the answer that is is up to the local head ref if he wants to consider “vertically challenged” a disability.

FRC4522 asked something similar on Q&A just now.

Now taking bets on whether the GDC will say “No per T26” or “We think the answer to QXXX answers this question. If it does not, please rephrase and ask again.”

T26-1 clearly allows for the use of a step stool…

D. TEAM STANDARDS and devices, if needed, to assist placement in the Standard Holder

E. special clothing and/or equipment required due to a disability

D. Allows you to bring a step stool to place your standard and does not require you to remove it from the driver station

E. Allows you to bring a step stool provided the ref’s agree that being short is a direct hindrance on your ability to play the game

Also I noticed someone has already submitted it to the Q/A so we will know for sure soon.

I think you can consider this a “signaling device” or an assist to a vertical height disability.

OK, guys. I’ve got a couple of notes for ya.

First, that item is “if needed” on the standard. Driver’s station is roughly 6.5’ tall. MANY people can reach that high without much effort–slap the sill of a normal doorway, you’re probably good. Reaching that high with a standard might be a bit more difficult, but should be doable.

Second, if you are ACTUALLY disabled by being short (as in, short enough to trigger ADA–there are, in fact, regulations on this), then you can make the argument that you need the stool (though you might get the wheelchair ramp instead). However, if you’re just “not tall enough to see the field”, that is NOT a disability! If, for example, someone under 5’ is on the drive team, they’d probably have a good case for the stool. If the entire drive team is over 6’? Not a chance.

And also, I should remind you guys: SPY. Use him/her.

If passive assistive devices are allowed, we are totally bringing these:

Guess who’s not bringing those, because those land under T26-1’s “banned” list?

Our team had this idea, I am pretty sure we are going to use this.

Q. Are teams allowed to mount approximately a ten foot pole with a wired camera on top to their individual driver station and get a bird’s eye view of the match for driver use during the match?

A. There is no legislated maximum height of the OPERATOR CONSOLE. However, be aware that some venues and production setups may have basketball hoops, lighting fixtures, or other installments that can not be moved and may inhibit exceptionally tall OPERATOR CONSOLES. Also, please keep safety in mind when moving and setting up tall OPERATOR CONSOLES like this.

Funny you cannot have a periscope, but you can have the electronic equivalent

Having a periscope around your face blocks your vision, which is a safety hazard.

So it appears that step stools are officially illegal. We figured they would be but it was worth a try!



Category C, it is an announcing stand for your town crier(driver) to better keep with the medieval theme. Make it look nice.

I read the official answer differently. It does not say it is illegal, it says that it will be handled on a case by case basis by the head ref.

The GDC was not willing to place a line in the sand, but agreed there is a dotted line someplace. Clearly the 4’11" girl is “disadvantaged”, but is this a “disability”? Particularly with the tall portcullis, I feel that Stronghold puts many HS girls at a unfair and unnecessary disadvantage, essentially exclude them from consideration as a DRIVER or SPY. Basically the FIRST equivalent of a “glass ceiling”.

Personally, I would have preferred they ruled similar to the robot extension of 15"; say allowing a height extension such that the combined DRIVER plus aid did not exceed 6’ (pick your favorite statistic for average height of a HS student).

Actually… it does say it’s illegal. It’s a violation of T26-1. I don’t see how much more clearly they can say “it’s illegal”.

The 4’11" driver noted falls into one of the exceptions allowed by T26-1 (specifically exception E), and is thus likely to be legal (though who exactly makes the ruling is still up in the air).

To be honest this is long overdue. When I was driving 2011-2013 I was never allowed to use a stool which hindered performance greatly, I hope more refs will allow the stool this year especially with the huge field elements.

GDC Answer: DRIVE TEAMS may bring to the ARENA any “special clothing and/or equipment required due to a disability”, per T26-1-E. If you bring special equipment and it’s not obvious that you require it because of a disability, you can expect to be asked about it. However, we won’t be setting guidelines on what it means to require special equipment due to a disability. That judgement will be made on a case-by-case basis at events.

The answer says you will be “asked about it”. It does does not use the word illegal (or legal).

From ADS Fact Sheet:
*Who is an “individual with a disability?”

Under the ADA, an individual with a disability is a person who has:

a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
a record of such an impairment; or
is regarded as having such an impairment.*

I would argue that a “vertically challenged” individual is regarded as having a physical impairment that limits them from participating in the life activity of FRC DRIVER.

BTW: 50 percentile height of 16-17 year old boy is 67-70 inches, girl is 64 inches. A combined height of 5’9" would seem appropriate to me - about half the boys are still taller. A “level” playing field for boys and girls.

Full disclosure - I am the person who wrote the original “vertically challenged” question.

Hm, I’m assuming clothing and shoes don’t count as “equipment brought into the castle,” as I haven’t seen any drive teams that are barefoot and/or naked.

So what if you happened to wear exceptionally tall shoes? Bringing some height-increasing boots or some shoes fastened to a tall slab of wood.

Maybe I’m not crazy enough to try it, but for the sake of argument, I wonder what the legality is on that.