Lego Quadcopters

Ran into this while browsing Kickstarter; it’s a project raising money for Lego Quadcopters, which personally I find fascinating and am confident people here would love just as much.

I can’t really donate much myself, but this - at least from what I’ve seen about it on the website, not having looked into the project itself - seems to deserve some publicity. And where better to go than CD?

Looks to be a bit on the high side, and I can just see Legos flying all over the place on a rough landing.

The whole idea seems silly to me…

The only thing I find exciting about it is that it is built with Lego, but that also brings all the things to dislike about it…

Built from dozens of pieces that are glued together and most likely disperse all over on impact depending on the glue. Also since they are glued together it may also be impossible to repair again depending on the glue. This only makes it more complex (high parts count) and less repairable (glue required).

Probably much heaver than other quad frames. (I don’t have any data, but bricks are heavy and weight is critical for flying devices.)

Dozens of good lightweight strong repairable quad frames can be found for under $50 rather than $130.

With that I consider it more of a novelty item rather than a practical one.