Let's make a difference, together :)

Hey Chief Delphi,

I am reaching out to you all on behalf of FRC team 4476, W.A.F.F.L.E.S. Community Robotics, because I’m hoping that we can band together as a FIRST community to help those in need.

In 2014, a friend of our team, Mackenzie, was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. We wanted to do whatever we could to help her. And so, WAFFLES partnered with a group called OneMatch, which is a subsidiary of the Canadian Blood Services. OneMatch is an organization that matches people in need of bone marrow transplants with suitable donors. This year, our robot’s name is Tanner, after a five-year-old boy from Manitoba who has needed a bone marrow transplant since he was six months old , after being diagnosed with sideroblastic anemia. You can read more about him here:

Our other robots were Charlie (2019), Melia (2018), Jasnoor (2017), Aaryan (2016), and Kevin (2015).

It is easy to sign up to be a bone marrow donor, and it could quite literally save someone’s life. It is often the act of a kind stranger to do so, since a patient only has between a 25% to 30% chance to find a compatible donor in their family. The odds of finding a match are low, about 1 in 40 000. This is even less likely for someone of non-caucasian descent (for example, 66% of the Canadian registry is white) – which has been the case for Jasnoor, Aaryan, and now Tanner.

But what if you could be that one?

Males 17-35 are the ideal candidates, which is why I’m posting here since I know that much of the FRC demographic falls in this. And if you’re not, you’re still able to join! You just may be less likely to get called upon – but who knows. While you’re in the midst of this hectic build season, frantically struggling to build a robot or dealing with critical design issues – take a second, reflect on what you have, and let that empower you to continue to make a difference in the lives of others. Donate blood, join a registry, anything.

If you’re interested in learning more or signing up to be a donor (they can even mail you a swab kit you can complete at home!), here’s some resources below or shoot me a PM:

OneMatch (Canadian specific): https://www.blood.ca/en/stem-cells?utm_source=onematch&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=onematch

Be the Match: https://bethematch.org/

We Delete Blood Cancer: https://www.dkms.org/en/register

Melia’s Memory Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/meliasmemoryfoundation/

With love,
Taegen & Team 4476


This is so amazing, hearing how other teams name their bots is always cool and because you guys name them for such an amazing reason makes it that much more interesting. Thanks for sharing this story Taegan and I hope everyone can give back and help in some way <3

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