Lets see your robot!

I am seeing many teams are completed, or mostly so, and are posted new threads to showcase their robot. But why not have them all on one thread? Thats why I am maing this thread? Post your robot here, so that every team can see other team’s finished robots all in one place. Enjoy!:smiley:

3397 is not done yet, but I will be posting here as soon as we are.

Eh, it’s much easier to let each team open their own thread. It’s like a flea market, let your products hang out!

Here’s ours, mostly done.

I would, but for some reason CD won’t let me post attachments…?

Here is ours,

*Balls wont ever be that close to each other, that was just for storage when we were moving it.

Current weight 119.5 :yikes: Swiss Cheese time!! :smiley:

We are now waiting for software interrogation to be finished.
thread about the robot
Good luck everyone!!

a robot you want to see see well here is 1458s!!!

Here is our robot! Team 3528!

Here’s a video of our robot in action: http://youtu.be/qmxwI5h5l9Q
I will eventually take some pics and post them here as well.

Here’s our robot ball grabber being tested in its prototype stage: http://youtu.be/GnoUt4KIWCo

Not the real thing, but a CAD image that is close to the final product.