Lifting robot off the ground

Our team wants to know if we can push the robot up to meet the bridge when getting over it. We want to use the weight of the robot to our advantage when balancing.

I know there is a rule about the vertical projecction but does this fall into that category?

You mean the 84" maximum when not contacting alliance zone carpet (which is valid on the bridge)? Or do you mean the bumper zone rulings on Q&A/TU#4?

Last I’ve checked, there are no restrictions on using appendages, either in the 14" horizontal allowance or in the vertical allowances, to touch the ground from the bridge. (There are restrictions on whether leaving said appendages touching the ground results in a balanced bridge.)

There is a rule about the vertical projection of the robot. I didn’t know if having a pnuematic cylinder lift the robot up count for breaking the vertical projection

On your side of the field you are aloud to be 84 in tall; if you are touching the oposite aliance carpet you can only be 60 in tall. See rule [R02]](

There is a rule about the vertical projection: 60" tall to start or on your alliance station side of the field, or 84" tall on your offensive side.

You may be thinking of the 14" horizontal limit for appendages.

The rule in question here I believe is the bumper zone limits. The bumpers always have to be within the 2-10 inch zone, in reference to the carpet if that’s what you’re in contact with. If you lift your robot up, you would be out of the bumper zone and illegal, at least according to my interpretation.

Does your interpretation take into consideration the latest revision of [R01-2]?

I hadn’t seen that update when I replied. I believe the intent is to allow temporary exemption from the bumper zone requirements while crossing the bridge and bump. Lifting up a robot would seem to be legal if actively crossing the bridge or bump, or lining up to do so. Is that how you see it?

I am thinking the bumper rule is going to be key here. Keep the bottom of the bumper less than 10in above the flat surface?

I believe that the bumper rule must be met always in relation to a flat surface (the carpet, keys, and bridge according to the manual), but will be temporarily exempted if a robot is actively crossing the bridge or bump. The wording still seems to leave it open to interpretation though, there’s no definite answer yet I don’t believe.

We’re also considering the use of pneumatics to lift the robot. Not for getting on the bridge, but to brace it on level ground. As long as max height requirements and bumper zones are met it should be cool.