Welcome to the LigerBots 2024 Open Alliance thread! We are excited to continue to be part of this great community of teams this season. We appreciate the opportunity to learn more from other teams and hope that this thread can be used as a resource for anyone looking for new ideas. If you have any questions please ask!
The LigerBots, FRC Team 2877, is composed of members from both the Newton South and Newton North High Schools in Massachusetts. We are a student-led team and have over 140 members.
We have spent the last few months training our new team members for this upcoming season.
Open Alliance
Our goal is to post bi-weekly thread updates. We will compile summaries of the day from each build team with pictures of our mechanisms and links to our online resources; and then on Mondays and Thursdays we will upload updates to the thread. We hope that this thread will show the complete picture of our design and mechanical process.
Distance Learning with Zoom: LigerBots Distance Learning Whitepaper
Vision Processing: LigerBots Vision Whitepaper
Camera Latency: LigerBots Camera Latency Whitepaper
Electrical Test Bench: LigerBots Electric Testbench Whitepaper
Cleanup Bot 9000: LigerBots Cleanup Bot 9000 Whitepaper
Training materials:
FIRST Robot Mechanisms: FIRST Robot Mechanisms.pptx
Drive trains/chassis: Drive trains and chassis.pptx
Robot Recipes: Robot Recipes.pptx
Intro to Robots and FIRST Strategy: FIRST Robots and Strategy.pptx
Sensors: Sensors Presentation.pptx
How Motors Work: Motors Presentation.pptx
Intro To Manufacturing and Assembly: Intro to Manufacturing
Nuts and Bolts of Nuts and Bolts: Nuts and Bolts of Nuts and Bolts Presentation
LigerBots Build Season Process: Ligerbots build season process 2021.pptx
LigerBots branding standards: LigerBots Branding Standards
LigerBots team booklet 2023: LigerBots team Booklet 2023
LigerBots Robot Flyer: LigerBots Robot Flyer 2023
Ligerbots Design Process: Ligerbots Design Process
LigerBots Sponsor benefits flyer: LigerBots supporter benefits flyer
Training Cad:
Krayon CAD: Krayon CAD
Double Jointed Arm: Double Jointed Arm
Cascade Elevator: Cascade Elevator
Past Year Cad:
2023 Robot: 2023 Cad
2022 Robot: 2022 Cad
2022 Chain in Tube Drivetrain: Chain In Tube WCD
Citrus Circuits CADathon 2021: Citrus Circuits CADathon 2021
2020 Robot: 2020 Robot Cad
Code: LigerBots - FRC Team 2877 · GitHub
2024 CAD: Onshape
Website: https://ligerbots.org/
Flicker: LigerBots FRC2877 | Flickr
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ligerbots
Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/ligerbots
Facebook: The LigerBots | Barnstable MA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ligerbots_frc2877/
TikTok: TikTok - Make Your Day
Previous OA threads:
@Evan-G Will be leading this thread so feel free to bug him about posting updates