We have a 1/4" plate that we’re going to pocket on our CNC router, so we need to come up with a lightening pattern. Now we could just do a basic vent pattern or some triangles, but the students care (a bit too much) about the robot’s looks so they came up with a few designs. I figured I’d share them here and see which one the public likes the best. (sorry for the bad quality screenshots)
Simply thinking about how load will travel through that part (tho I dont know its use case) it seems like 1 has the most efficient way for load from the od to the id to travel. However it seems like you might have gone a little heavy on the spokes.
I’ve always thought Autodesk Generative Designs (aka Design By AI) have looked pretty sweet. If they’re going to spend time etching out a circle, spending time plugging estimated loads and safety factors into the generative design AI would be pretty fun to show off to judges…