Currently, there is an ability to filter out aspect ratios of the yellow rectangle. We are having issues catching a random reflection and half an eyebrow when we’re at the intake station.
It would be super wonderful to be able to filter out blue bounding boxes that have an extreme angle or aspect ratio. Or even percentage area of the blue bounding box of the yellow rectangle.
Yes this was an issue for us as well esp with our practice field made of reflective sheet metal. By cranking up the black level offset a ton we didn’t run into any issues at competitions but would be nice to be able to filter this.
We had this issue too. We ended up being at a regional that had great lighting. And out cameras are angled down slightly and angled towards the inside of our robot. Buy I would like a feature where I didn’t pick up random things like in our room:
The flickering at the top is actually one of those tube cfl light things in schools and buildings. We turned up the red shift a lot and it would still pick up things. It was weird.