Limelight 2+ max effective targeting range?

this is our first time using limelight and was wondering whats the farthest distance limelight can effectively track

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Today we got our 2+ to track the main target from about 25 feet away fairly stable. Once we got further though it started dropping in and out and could not pick it up further than 30 ft. This was with 2x hardware zoom.

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Can limelight track the whole 2020 visual target, the horizontal bottom tape and the two angled side tapes? Also, does it output data for external processing, or is all of the processing done on board the limelight and considered to be finished? Can our programming team use data from the cam for further analysis?

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Yes it can track the entire high goal target and brackets it together as a single target. The limelight has several variables that it outputs, most of the processing is done on the limelight but you can do whatever you want with those value with your code. I would take a look at the limelight documentation on their website to see all you can do.

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Thanks much

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Check out the zoom update!

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My team was able to track it at around 40 feet, but we had other issues with calculations in the fine error of our prototype.

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I wonder where the fine error came from? Definitely not from the prototype


definitely not

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When will the robot tracking function come to life? You know, so the limelight senses /tracks objects that are not normally in an empty playing field, and makes that information available to the RIO.

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