Hi Everyone,
See the latest update below. Limelight 2 will restock during the middle of next week!
2019.3 (1/19/19)
2019.3 addresses a number of bugs and feature requests.
- Stream Rate (bandwidth reduction)
- Set the stream rate to “low” in the settings page for a lower-bandwidth 15fps video stream.
- Raw Contours disabled in NetworkTables (bandwidth reduction)
- Raw contours are now disabled by default. This will further reduce Limelight’s overall bandwidth.
- There are now ~180 fewer networktables entries submitted per second by default.
- See the new “Raw Contours” pipeline option in the “Output” tab to re-enable raw contours.
- Active Pipeline Index
- Read the networktable key “getpipe” to get the true active pipeline index of the camera. This is updated at 90hz.
- The active pipeline index is now written to the videostream underneath the FPS display.
- Left and Right Intersection Filters
- Teams may now choose between “left” and “right” dual-contour intersection filters. The “above” and “below” intersection filters were added in 2019.2.
Bug Fixes
- Fix LabView Dashboard streaming bug introduced in 2019.2
- The webpage no longer requests icon fonts from a the internet. All fonts are stored locally. This should speed up interface loading.
- Reduce “driver mode” exposure.
- Fix “Distance Transform” GRIP implementation
- Fix 20-second communication delays caused by changing the hostname.