Limelight 3D option missing for color/retroreflective pipeline

Hi there

I’m confused about Limelight 3. I can’t see the experimental 3D option tab or the 3D option in the output tab for the color/retroreflective pipeline. We are using a Limelight 3 with Limelight OS 2024.10.2. I’ve made sure the resolution is set to 960x720 and tried higher resolutions as well, but the issue stays the same.

Could anyone help us resolve this? Much appreciated!

On their website, they mention the experimental option at the bottom of page here. Contour Filtering and Sorting | Limelight Documentation

Do we have to enable the experimental option from somewhere else, like from settings?

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PnP pose estimation with color or retro reflective targets has become obsolete due to the introduction of Apriltags.

Thank you for the response. So what you are saying is the 3D solve PnP option is no longer available for color/retroreflective pipelines, correct?

So we did have a way of manually calculating the distance/position of the game piece from the robot, but were curious that if this feature existed.

Oh, the 3d option was never for that. The 3d option was specifically for PnP reprojction of the obseved corner points if a target with exact knwon dimensions and gobal position.

To get a game pieces 3d poise you will wither bed to roughly estimate it yourself using stuff like angle and on screen width, or you can go done the rabit hole of stereoscopy to get a true target pose.

Thanks for clarifying! I was curious if Limelight OS had a feature like PhotonVision’s 3D Tuning for dynamic targets, but it seems like from what you mentioned that it doesn’t. Just to confirm, with PhotonVision OS, I can calculate the game piece’s 3D pose directly, but with Limelight OS, this would require a more manual process at best (we do have a manual method right now but I wanted to simplify it if possible). Is that correct?