Hello! I am trying to create an alignment system using a Limelight camera to park flush and cenered with the amp. Currently I am running into 2 issues:
The tag is too high at ~30 inches away from the amp
I made some rotation code to have the crosshairs line up. However, this doesn’t necessarily have the robot line up straight with the amp.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
I do know that the robot can know it’s last position that was given to it from the limelight and you can utilize that to tell the robot to go to the amp, rotate properly, and center the robot. Here is our code it is Time-Based so you may need to convert it from that and we’re also using the YAGSL library. I do know that it isn’t quite finished yet, but we have the majority of it done. We still need to create the functions that actually tell it where to go but we do have all the variables and movement functions.