My team has been having a very strange issue for the past week. We’ve used the limelight 1 and 2 issue free for the past few years.
We have a local network, laptop, robotic, limelight connected via network switch. We are able to view the limelight webpage through the static ip but we have not been able to see any values via network tables.
The host name matches the table name we push to, “limelight-shooter”, yet the limelight does not seem to use the LED values we push or return any values back to us.
We have used multiple versions of roboRios and Limelight 1 and 2, from 2022.0.3 to 2020.2 to no avail.
Is the team number set on the Limelight to match the team number the Rio is set to? What address is the RoboRIO at and can you reach it via roborio-TEAM-frc.local? Is code running on the Rio?
Yes, the limelight, driver station, roborio are all set to team 263. We are able to access the roborio webpage through roborio-263-frc.local. We verify the code is running and we can see the values that we push to the limelight-shooter via the outline viewer from the code.
I’m assuming nothing else from the limelight is showing up under any table in OutlineViewer? NetworkTables prints a message in the console for each client that connects–if you reboot your robot code do you see a connection from the limelight IP? Another thing you could try is setting your Rio to a static IP.
Correct, the only /limelight-shooter entries are those that we attempt to set from the roborio to control the camera mode and led mode. I believe we have already tried the 10.26.3.X static ip for the rio without any luck.