Limelight pipeline types

So limelight has a getpipetype field in network tables that returns a string for the type of pipeline. Does anyone know what these string values are precisely.

Like for color/retro, classifier, detector, barcodes, fiducial etc.

I don’t have on wired up just yet to do my own testing.

You can find them here: JSON Results Specification | Limelight Documentation

The key names are Retro, Fiducial, Detector, Classifier, and Barcode, according to the json dump specification.

And those match the getpipetype network tables entry not just the JSON?

because the pTYPE JSON field shows something different.

oh idk about that one, their docs are somewhat vague. you’ll have to talk to someone smarter than me :grinning:

From Limelight 3G 2024.10.2
Does this answer your question?

@narmstro Here’s more answer that likely you wanted. From the NT viewer in order of the previous Pipeline Type picture

  1. pipe_color
  2. pipe_python
  3. pipe_pythonpro
  4. pipe_fiducial
  5. pipe_neuralclassifier
  6. pipe_neuraldetector
  7. pipe_barcode
  8. pipe_viewfinder
  9. pipe_focus
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