Limelight Reproduction Error

Hey Chief Delphi Community,

As we are gearing up in full motion for the 2024 arc season, our team Gryphon Machine is facing trouble setting up the limelight. Our reprojection error has varied from 3 to 297. We are attempting to calibrate it with a ArUco checkerboard 5x5 100 with 8 vertical and 11 horizontal, each marker is 12mm and the black squares are 15mm. Does anyone know how we can lower it and what the limelight 3 is looking for in our snapshots.


Have you looked through the calibration docs page? It lists some tips in there.

Make sure you are super close, only keep good images (no text, not whitewashed, not too extreme angles), and when you calibrate, make sure you change the “input” source type back to “Camera”.

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