Limelight targeting region

We are using our Limelight 2 for ball tracking on the field and we would like to be able to ignore any targets in the top 1/3 of the image, they are above the horizon. I don’t see any option to do that with the Limelight, but I wanted to post here to see if the CD community has any ideas.

Not a programmer, but I am not aware of any such feature in the limelight tuner, if you constantly want to ignore the top 1/3, a deftly placed piece of tape should do the trick

You could always obtain the target’s TX value, and just ignore the ones with a TX greater than some value of x

Thanks @ivermani for the suggestion, it would actually be the ty value since it’s vertical. We considered this, but sometimes there is a near target and the Limelight prefers the target in the top 1/3 of the view even when using “Nearest” Sort Mode. Maybe there’s a way to tune that better.

My bad sorry. You could always have a second map, with TA. If the area is bigger than said value, then you could include the top third. Otherwise, you don’t. You could also have two pipelines, one specifically trained for up close, and one for far, and have a button pressed by the driver to switch between the two at different stages in the match.

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