The limelight is working successfully on its own, but when outputting to a network table, other sources such as the shuffleboard that attempt to extract tx, ty, and tv values from our network table, they are only receiving zeroes, and the shuffleboard is not showing values at all.
Code outputting values from limelight for reference (Java):
// Constructor
private NetworkTable table = null;
table = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable("limelight");
// Called during periodic
double ty = table.getEntry("ty").getDouble(0.0);
double tx = table.getEntry("tx").getDouble(0.0);
double tv = table.getEntry("tv").getDouble(0.0);
Math.sin((Constants.LIMELIGHT_MOUNT_ANGLE_DEGREES + ty) *
return Map.of("x", Double.valueOf(tx),
"y", Double.valueOf(ty),
"solutionFound", Double.valueOf(tv),
"dist", Double.valueOf(dist));-