Linear Actuator Legality

Are these (P16-P Linear Actuator (200mm, 256:1, 12V) | ACT-U8) Linear Actuators legal for this year’s game? We couldn’t find any rules specifically pertaining to linear actuators.


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The actuator is legal, but the motor powering it probably is not.

For more details, open your Game Manual to Section 9 and find R501. R501 states that ONLY the motors and actuators in [long list] are legal, but in any quantity. You’ll notice that no linear actuators are listed.

However… the part this controls is the motor, NOT the gearbox, and there’s a pretty convincing argument that most of the actuator is actually a gearbox. So, what you do here is if you want to use the actuator, you open it up, check the motor against the legal list in R501, and if it’s not a legal motor, you replace it with a legal motor of a similar class. (e.g., if it’s a 775-size motor, slap a 775Pro or a Redline in there.) Then you need to be ready to show that yes, there is a legal motor in there, here’s the conversion (inspectors can be a bit picky about that).

Incidentally… see if DART 6 in. Actuator Kit - AndyMark, Inc will help you out.


If you are looking for a low power, short distance linear actuator like what was in the original post, AndyMark sells a few options like these:

These qualify as “servos” so they are legal.

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