Linear Actuators

Our team is considering using linear actuators this year, our first year we had an issue with the motor that was in it and we had to spend the whole Thursday Practice day replacing the motor and passing inspection and were barely able to practice. This year we are considering using them, specifically two. Is there a limit on how many you can use?

By Linear Actuator I assume you mean a device that is actuated using a motor, not a PWM driven linear servo. No, there are not limits to how many you can use, subject to the restrictions on what motors you can use.

The DART actuators from AndyMark are a COTS solution that uses CIMs to actuate, which is legal. I don’t know of any other legal COTS actuator solutions.

Allow me to suggest that past experience should help guide you on this… that particular rule hasn’t changed much. There are some rules and Q&As that you will want to read.

R33 (which tells you what motors are legal and how many–not necessarily what linear actuators are legal)
Q102 (hot off the presses, folks, the answer just went up this morning)
Q14(which was followed up by Q80)