List of Updates

Hello Everyone,

is it possible for anyone to make a list of all the required and optional updates released for NI, Roborio, VSCode, WPILib, radio config, Drivers Station, ADXRS450 Gyro etc. since kickoff? I can’t find some updates anymore even though I think I heard about them from someone else. I have a week 2 competition and after we check in and unbag the bot I will have to update everything and it would be helpful if I had a list of all the required and optional updates available.



  • NI Update 2019.2.0
  • RoboRIO image v14 (comes with 2019.2.0)
  • WPILib 2019.3.2 or later (2019.4.1 recommended)


  • WPILib 2019.4.1

There is nothing required for Radio Config (there was an update for home use to force the bandwidth limit, but event configuration will set things up appropriately). Drivers Station no required update, ADXRS450 and other gyro fixes come with the above.

Naturally if you’re using the CTRE and Rev stuff you should get the latest of those things too.

Unofficial way to get all the updates is this:

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Strong recommendation to update to WPILip 2019.4.1 we had issues deploying code without it once we updated to Rio V14

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@Peter_Johnson @Zack-5421

do these updates need to be done in any order, or does it not matter?

The image and WPILIB update can be in either order. You need to install the newest NI Update in order to load the latest image.

You will need to load your code back onto the RoboRIO when you are done.

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And if I understand correctly, the new version of WPILib (2019.4.1) only has an effect on C++ and Java. So for those of us using LabView, WPILib hasn’t had an update since kickoff. But I could be wrong.

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