shutting down?

Yes, the front page of says he’s shutting it down. :frowning:

Thank you, Brandon, for providing such a great service. I don’t know what I’m going to put in my forum signatures and AIM profile now.

PS. Is there anyway is could still be available to a ‘select few’, perhaps members of CD? Is there anyway it can comeback at all?

I decided to take it down because I have no time to devote to it. It needed more attention than I could give it. I like to sleep for a few hours at least. :slight_smile:

I’m going to give AudioScrobbler a try, and if that doesn’t satisfy me (I have faith in it, though) I may set something up for a few people… nothing to the extent that Listen-To was. Maybe just a signature service. Who knows.

yeah thanks for listen-to it was hot

The end of an era. Thanks Brandon, I remember when Listen-To was still a little vBulliten hack. Since this is a forum and I cannot show facial expressions, so I’ll just tell you that I cannot express my thankfullness for your enthusiasm. THANK YOU BRANDON. THANK YOU.

I <3 Brandon Martus.
I <3 Listen-To.


I saw the notice a week ago and decided to disregard it… hoping it’d be untrue. Well, I guess rather than moping about it being gone, I’d rather look at the positive side - Brandon will have less questions from me wondering why something doesn’t work :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot for the service.

And btw, when’s the official shutdown?

June 8th -ish.

it may return. eventually.