Little help needed

So recently we took a little trip over to another FRC teams place to get a little help w/ programming, and while there they changed our roboRIO in labview from what we had it “Target (roboRIO-7892-FRC.local)” to there’s - “Target (roboRIO-5434-FRC.local)”, and I didn’t quite catch how to change it back, if anyone knows how to, that’d be very much appreciated!

Right click on the roboRIO target and go to properties and it is there


I have it changed, but we’re having issues deploying code to our roboRIO, yet its changed in labVIEW, how do i fix, and why is this happening?

Which error do you get?

I recommend you try with the IP address instead, so you can discard it’s an mDNS issue: LabVIEW for FRC shows Connection Failed to my roboRIO