Keep in mind going into your regional that you need your opponent’s to be scoring to get yourself good qualification points. Some teams dominate then don’t get enough quality points, so be careful.
Yeah, I saw a lot of that this weekend at the KSC Regional. But then again, when your opponent is being mean, I don’t see the point in letting the those teams get many points.
This is a little off topic. A couple of times at VCU, we controlled the match well and played fairly. Then, the other alliance decided it was a good idea to spite us by pulling out of their endzone to drastically lower our score. In my opinion, that is not in the spirit of FIRST at all. I don’t believe FIRST supports the idea of killing your own score just to hurt another team. Am I the only one who thinks this?
*Originally posted by Hubicki *
**This is a little off topic. A couple of times at VCU, we controlled the match well and played fairly. Then, the other alliance decided it was a good idea to spite us by pulling out of their endzone to drastically lower our score. In my opinion, that is not in the spirit of FIRST at all. I don’t believe FIRST supports the idea of killing your own score just to hurt another team. Am I the only one who thinks this?
~Hubicki~ **
I also don’t think it is the spirit of FIRST to come up to your opponent and tell them to make sure they lose but still with a ton of points and start yelling at the team mentor when he doesn’t agree with it like a certain team did today at the KSC regional.
*Originally posted by Yearbook50 *
I also don’t think it is the spirit of FIRST to come up to your opponent and tell them to make sure they lose but still with a ton of points and start yelling at the team mentor when he doesn’t agree with it like a certain team did today at the KSC regional. **
you guys had an awesome bot!! it sux you didn’t get drafted. i was picking you to win. i know what its like to have such a good bot and not get drafted… its really tough
*Originally posted by Hubicki *
This is a little off topic. A couple of times at VCU, we controlled the match well and played fairly. Then, the other alliance decided it was a good idea to spite us by pulling out of their endzone to drastically lower our score. In my opinion, that is not in the spirit of FIRST at all. I don’t believe FIRST supports the idea of killing your own score just to hurt another team. Am I the only one who thinks this?
Joe J. brought up this strategy in another thread. (look towards the bottom of the page).
If you’re out for a dominating victory, what do you care how many points your opponents score? If, on the other hand, you’re out for a high QP victory, you need to be prepared and willing to score points for your opponent.
The point of the strategy is not to spite you, it’s to force you to take action which would give them a chance.
*Originally posted by Hubicki *
**This is a little off topic. A couple of times at VCU, we controlled the match well and played fairly. Then, the other alliance decided it was a good idea to spite us by pulling out of their endzone to drastically lower our score. In my opinion, that is not in the spirit of FIRST at all. I don’t believe FIRST supports the idea of killing your own score just to hurt another team. Am I the only one who thinks this?
~Hubicki~ **
I guess our team was lucky because I can’t think of any match that we competed in that had an alliance do that to us. Don’t get discouraged if teams did do that to ya though. Personally we loved your team and your bot! Congrats on catching us with our pants down in the finals!
~Tom Fairchild~
*Originally posted by Yearbook50 *
**Yeah, I saw a lot of that this weekend at the KSC Regional. But then again, when your opponent is being mean, I don’t see the point in letting the those teams get many points. **
i think what melissa means is that… during one round… a certain team came to our alliance partner before the round and asked us to throw the match. to lose on purpose. we decided that if it seemed like we were going to lose that round, that we would try to give them zero points. i think i speak for a lot of teams, but especially for team 86, when i say that we will never negotiate a loss and that anyone who asks for something like needs a big kick to the head. it’s not in the spirit of first to “arrange” losses and i never thought that competition would come to that.
anytime that thinks that its not in the spirit of FIRST to lower an opponents score to zero needs to wake up and stop crying. Seriously, that is all I am getting from this thread. Would it kill maybe to give them a goal with ten seconds left. Probably not but don’t blame your mistakes on someone’s supposed morals when the whole decision was made by you. Just remember to grin and bear it. Don’t be too surprised if Saturday mornings last qualification matches become known as the saturday morning massacre where teams qualification points lower drastically as zeros are given out all over the place.