Live Feed with Axis Camera

How does one set it up so that you receive live feed on a laptop from the Axis camera? We’re just fiddling with the robot now that we’ve gone to our regional. I’m not exactly experienced with this sort of thing, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a link or something to help me figure it out. I’ve seen stuff about packets and what not in other threads, and I get what that means, just not how it all works.

I appreciate any help given on this.


You will be hard pressed for bandwidth if you want to do this in competition. As per update #5 ( we only have 984 bytes per packet we can use for video, and any live video will likely not be useful at that rate.

Edit: There was a previous discussion on this topic here:

If you haven’t figured it out already, just launch the dashboard and make sure the button beneath the image display is lit up. If using C/C++, there may be a function call to start vision back to PC. For LV framework it is built in.

Greg McKaskle

PCVideoServer pcvs;

Note that this won’t work in competition, for options on what will, see the thread that Shadow503 linked to.

I don’t need to worry about competition rules. We already were in the competition. Right now we’re just seeing what all we can do with our stuff. Tinkering basically.

Also, I’d like to add that we are using LabVIEW