Loading/Running Code FRC Java (Netbeans) Problem

This is the most tedious electronics and programming apparatus, yet it is so simple.

For months before the kick off, I could not load code onto the cRIO to make a motor MOVE after reformatting it to Java image (We now have the right Java cRIO update v43).

Recently, a programmer from Team Hydra helped me re-image the Classmate to the new image with Windows 7 Professional. I re-installed NetBeans 7.1 and all the other updates from NI.com for LabVIEW, Utilities, and the Driver Station. He loaded the default code with his laptop and my laptop (I found out that you have to turn the firewall OFF!) and the Jaguar detected the code and we tested the motor, IT MOVED! When that occured, I thought it was set. I kept the electronics the same and tested the DefaultCode in autonomous and it ran for .5 sec instead of 2 sec, in other words, it twitched for a split-second. I was still happy because it still worked (2/3 the time that I went autonomous, it twitched). When the motor refused to move when I attached the same electronics apparatus with the new electronics, still have cRIO I, and the Jaguar does the flashing yellow light again (no code loaded onto it). I tried to make very simple codes to move the motor autonomously with SimpleRobot subclass. I got “RobotDrive … output not updated enough”.

My Classmate settings were (on tether)
Subnet: (But everytime I went back, it changes to

Slot 1: 9201 (w/ Analog Bumper, not powered)
Slot 2: 9403 (cabled to sidecar)
Slot 3: 9201 (w/ new Analog Breakout, not powered)
Slot 4: 9472 (w/ Analog Bumper, not powered)
Slot 5: 9403 (not connected)
Slot 6: Empty
Slot 7: Empty
Slot 8: Empty

Battery charged
PWMs in channel 1 and connected correctly

Plus if anyone knows why the AndyMark orange warning light won’t flash?

Any help or other hints will be greatly appreciated and if I was unclear about ANYTHING, please feel free to correct me (I may be a veteran, but I am new to programming and electrical section, but a fast learner)!

Thank you in advanced!

EDIT: I wiil also post this under the Electrical section!

It should be:
Slot 1: 9201 w/Analog Breakout powered from the PDB from a normal 20 Amp circuit (required)
Slot 2: 9403 cabled to sidecar (not explicitly required but recommended if you want your robot to do anything)
Slot 3: 9472 with Solenoid Breakout powered from the PDB with 24 volts (at the base, same connector the cRIO plugs into) (optional)
Slot 4: Blank (required)
Slot 5-7: repeat of 1-3 (all optional)
Slot 8: Blank (required)

9201 and 9472 have different breakouts. 9201, the Analog breakout, is a 3x8 header. 9472, the Solenoid breakout, is a 2x8 header.