Locating of Velcro for Drivers Station

I am horrible at placing the post in the correct thread but where is the velcro for the drivers station located? I know it spans the entire width but depth wise, is it in the middle?

It can vary, probably has a range of about 5 inches (or more).
What I would do is go out on the field on Thursday when you are allowed to measure the field and take note of the different depths the velcro is located and keep that in mind when placing the velcro under your driver station.

My team always ran the Velcro on our operator console perpendicular to the Velcro on the player station. That way no matter how we put the operator console down, we’d always attach to the player station Velcro.


Okay, thank you for the idea. We are adding a pole camera so I want to make sure we stick to the drivers station and not risk tipping over, how wide is the piece of velcro typically? I want to make sure we have enough point of contact.

Per Section of the Game Manual:

" The shelf is 5 ft. 9 in.wide and 1 ft. deep. There is a 4 ft. 6 in. long by 2 in. wide strip of hook-and-loop tape (“loop” side) along the center of the support shelf that may be used to secure the OPERATOR CONSOLE to the shelf."

What about running your velcro perpendicular direction shelf Velcro?


|       |        |       |      |
|-------|--------|-------|------|---------  <--On the shelf
|       |        |       |      |
^       ^        ^       ^      ^
On your Driver Station

MasterMentor beat me to it! </edit>