Location of the PD Board

Referring to rule 42

The PD Board and all circuit breakers must be easily visible for Inspection

If we have the power distribution board underneath part of the robot that is able to be removed (sort of like a cover) does that fall under easily visible?

If the cover is held on with something like velcro or something similar I don’t see a problem. You might even be able to get away with an easily un-boltable cover. I would make sure it is see through though. If any regional inspectors reply they can tell you what they would pass or reject.

From personal experience we have never had an issue with a clear cover over our breakers.

I think this rule exists so inspectors can look to make sure the amperage rating is correct for each motor.

Depends on your definition of “easy”. I’ve inspected a number of robots with covers over parts of their innards; most have been no problem to inspect. Remember, YOU have to work on the robot if something goes wrong…if it’s easy for you to work on the PD board it’s probably easy for us to inspect.

We’re looking for wire sizes and proper hookups (1 wire per Wago, radio and cRio power, etc.) along with amperages for motors and all of the other PD rules. I actually had to have one team turn their robot on its side to see the PD board; neither of us appreciated the extra time that inspection took.

The rule exists so that inspectors can be sure you have the legal breakers installed, that the breaker meets the minimum wire size for the rating and that there is only wire in each WAGO terminal. We then check to see that the radio is wired correctly as is the Crio. During Power On testing we also check to see that all LEDs are lit. We will work with you if your design requires a special mounting, access or cover, but if you make impossible to see the above conditions you will have to correct it.