Hello from FRC team 3145~
We’re having a lot of trouble this year with Windriver, more than I can detail here, but maybe answers to these questions will get us on the right track:
The location of the WPIlib.a file isn’t in the C:\WindRiver\workspace\WPILib\PPC603gnu\ folder as the directions http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/3120/m/7913/l/84341-building-with-the-wpilib-source-code state it should be. The only thing in that folder is “makefile”. Yes, I extracted the files as directed to c:\windriver\workspace\wpilib. The WPIlib.a file IS found in C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3 arget\lib. Will this cause issues? Do I just copy the file to the “correct” location??
We had the simple robot code running fine on the test bot, made some changes to add in a compressor, compiled fine, then nothing worked. Removed all the compressor code, recompiled fine, still nothing works. Yes, we’ve been successful in connecting to the cRio, Undeploying/Redeploying, etc, etc. Our next step this evening to try a different computer. Question is: what are the settings in WR that could possibly inflict this behavior? WR settings seem to be part black magic, part luck. I haven’t seen a concise guide anywhere that will my programmers what to change and WHY.
Thanks for the help!