Location of WPIlib.a file

Hello from FRC team 3145~

We’re having a lot of trouble this year with Windriver, more than I can detail here, but maybe answers to these questions will get us on the right track:

  1. The location of the WPIlib.a file isn’t in the C:\WindRiver\workspace\WPILib\PPC603gnu\ folder as the directions http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/3120/m/7913/l/84341-building-with-the-wpilib-source-code state it should be. The only thing in that folder is “makefile”. Yes, I extracted the files as directed to c:\windriver\workspace\wpilib. The WPIlib.a file IS found in C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3 arget\lib. Will this cause issues? Do I just copy the file to the “correct” location??

  2. We had the simple robot code running fine on the test bot, made some changes to add in a compressor, compiled fine, then nothing worked. Removed all the compressor code, recompiled fine, still nothing works. Yes, we’ve been successful in connecting to the cRio, Undeploying/Redeploying, etc, etc. Our next step this evening to try a different computer. Question is: what are the settings in WR that could possibly inflict this behavior? WR settings seem to be part black magic, part luck. I haven’t seen a concise guide anywhere that will my programmers what to change and WHY.

Thanks for the help!

The directions on that page are for building your code with a custom version of WPILib. If that’s what you want to do, then you’re looking in the right place.

If all you want to do is just get some simple programs going, then follow the directions here:


and here:



Thanks Brad.

I understand now to follow the basic instructions. All of our issues came down to 2 issues, which in itself made troubleshooting extremely difficult.

  1. Bad/flaky network cable.
  2. Corrupt or incorrectly set WR install.

Once we used a different computer with the new code and wireless connection, it all worked as designed. We then isolated the network cable (I cut the ends off immediately!) and the WR install.

My programmers are out of frustration mode and in to “wired in” mode - and I’m happy!