Log file error

We recently started to publish all of the robot data to the NT. This enables us to debug in real-time as well as log the NT to a log file for after-match analysis. Sometimes, we encounter a problem where the log would “Failed to open log” on advantage scope 2025 and on 2024 it will open but will not show when the robot is enable. As well as any of the data types that are using Struct will show as empty (Pose2D , SwerveStates).

We use “DataLogManager.start();” to start the log at teleopInit and “DataLogManager.stop();” at the disable init

Has anyone encountered this kind of problem? If anyone has a better idea of when to start and stop those logs I would like to hear

Not sure if it’s causing the issue you’re seeing, but I would recommend you just start DataLogManager in robotInit and don’t bother with stopping it.

If I want to capture separate driver practice matches in separate files, how can I do that with this?

If you have a log file that behaves differently when opening it in the 2024 and 2025 versions of AdvantageScope, that’s definitely not intended. It doesn’t sound like it accounts for everything you’re seeing, but it would be helpful if you can upload the log file causing that behavior.

In 2024 it looks like this:

in 2025 this happens:

Easy way would be to just restart the robot code between matches. Only takes a couple seconds.

I made some fixes so that AdvantageScope 2025 will behave the same way as 2024, opening the log file but with incomplete fields. Otherwise it sounds like the issue may be resolved with Peter’s suggestions.