Lone Star 2008

Who’s Ready for LSR 2008 to start? I am!

It’s in my team’s hometown too so that make all of us very excited!

Anyone else excited about LSR 2008?

I’m ready. I can’t wait!!!

FRC 418 is really looking forward to a great time at Lone Star Regional.
Welcome to all teams, old friends and new.

WOW!!!..woah…I can’t believe it…only 91 days until LSR!!! I am so excited!!!

Richard, if you can actually keep up that level of energy for 91 days straight, you’re a better man than I. :slight_smile:

That said, I think we might have an interesting surprise waiting for Texas teams attending the Houston kickoff. We’ll let everyone know as soon as we have the details nailed down.

Sorry to say frc457 will not be attending Lone Star for the first time

Team 2468 is ready to get started from Austin Westlake High School. Teams 418 and 2158 with many others including Kevin Sevcik and his mother have been huge is helping us this year so far.

I am a little intimidated but very excited about FRC.

Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know that the Lone Star Regional has an active web site. The web site is www.txfirst.org. The web site is in the process of being linked to the FIRST web site. Please visit the web site for future hotel information.

A big thank you and kudos to Andrew Lynch and crew for making this possible. Great job Andrew!

1745 will be there.

Personally, I can’t wait!

… all right, perhaps a little more time for working on the robot…

Nah. Bring on LSR!

I am looking forward to the change of venue. The Merrell Center looks pretty cool. It is sad to see some of the teams that have been at LSR previously not be able to go. We will miss you. Good luck to all teams. It looks like this will be a VERY interesting competition this year, with all the options that are available.:slight_smile: