We would to give a big shout out to all the teams, sponsors, and volunteers who made this event possible. We experienced great support and although we didn’t make it to an alliance, we had a great time.
I would also like to thank the judges for giving me the great opportunity to compete at Worlds for Dean’s List.
We’ve come a long way from Logo Motion and we are looking forward to upcoming years.
Huge thanks to the two other members of the epic Dancin’ Purple Leopards alliance, Discobots (2587) and Spectrum (3847). We had an awesome run and my only regret is that we couldn’t see what we could do against the #1 seed with 3 upright and working robots.
Great event. I would like to thank everyone there for a great time. GRT will rember all of you. Allen from 3847 is great on Chief Delphi but in person he is even better. Thank you Team 57 for the loan of the tools that we left in CA.
Glad to hear you guys enjoyed the event. We enjoyed having you guys there. Those semifinal matches were some of the best I’ve seen in awhile. Hope y’all swing by again!!
Resounding cheers and aplause from 2582 to all the teams, judges, volunteers, and sponsors of Lone Star. Battles were epic and as always the powerhouses proved themselves to be worthy of being called elite. It is a priviledge to compete with and learn from your dedication and talent!
Congratulations to Robotnauts, Robowranglers, and TeXplosion, you were definately a force to be reckoned with!
Thank you to our allaince captain 3961 for asking us to join you in the elims. As always it is a thrilling time to compete with and against the best.
Thank you to the Judges. You have no idea what it means to us to have been honored with the Judges Award. It’s been a while since we brought home some hardware and this put tears in the eyes and joy in the hearts of our team, family, and mentors!
TEXplosion would like to thank all of the volunteers and staff that helped make this a great experience for us, and we would especially like to thank the Robonauts and the Robowranglers for picking us to round out the number one seed. Today, I crossed three things off my FRC bucket list:
Playing with 148 in the Elims
Playing with 118 in the Elims
Being on the winning alliance at a Regional
I’m going to be completely honest, I am still in awe over this whole experience, and it still hasn’t quite sunk in that the past 18 hours or so weren’t a dream!
I also want to thank the other teams we played with & against. We hadn’t been to Lone Star since 2010, so it was great to see old friends from other teams, and make new friends on some of the other teams. We’re jazzed about seeing some of y’all at Alamo in a few weeks, and we’ll see some of y’all in St Louis for our first trip to championships!
Graham, I didn’t get to see you much at the event but you completely deserve the award. What you have done with 3666 has been great to watch. We made you a Spectrum name tag button but forgot to get it you. We’ll have to correct that soon.
Kevin, it was awesome working with our good friends 57 and 2587. I think it was one of the first times that three Houston (city limits) teams were on the same alliance together. We’ll need to do it again sometime (TRR or Remix?). Thank you 57 and 2587, in my opinion these are both the best robots you two have ever built and it’s only Week 2. I’m expecting very big things in San Antonio week 5. Congratulations to the DiscoBots for earning their first ever Engineering Excellence award, well deserved. Not many people know how much time you guys spent on developing that shooter and getting it consistent but I do and seeing it work that well at competition was awesome. 57 the Gracious Professionalism award couldn’t have gone to a more deserving team we love working you guys, congrats.
Seth, it was awesome having 192 come down to Lone Star. You all are class acts. I was initially confused who the red haired group was helping us do field setup but I wasn’t confused for long. You all were extremely friendly and getting a glimpse at how your team is organized was great. Those semifinals matches were in my opinion the best of the event and I really hope you all come back down to see us sooner rather than later. We’ll be rooting for you at Salt Lake.
Chad and all the Panterbots (2582), you all are amazing. I still don’t understand how you spent 6 weeks building a corner climber than on bag day flip to the inside and end up with the most consistent climbing machine we have seen in Texas. That’s truly unbelievable, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next year.
Bobby, TEXplosion (2789) is hands down one of the best defensive machines I’ve seen this year. I’m still not sure how you fell to the last pick in the draft. In my opinion that’s just inexcusable. I know for sure that 118 was much happier playing with you than against you after that match on Friday morning. Congratulations on being one of the most decorated teams in FRC this season. Finalist and Winner in two events, how are you going to top this at Alamo?
Alright now for the rest, hopefully I can keep this short.
JVN, Jeff and the rest of 148 what an unbelievable machine. The first time you see it swing up from under the bar you’re not sure physics works the way it should anymore. I can’t wait to see this thing once you get the issues fixed it’s going to be very hard to stop.
Mason, Justin, and 118 every year you all never disappoint. That robot is just phenomenal. Hopefully we can be on the same side in couple weeks. Also congratulations on getting EI.
Team 3735 KleinBots needs to get a mention in this thread. If I had to vote for the most improved team it would have to go to them. We’ve become very good friends over the past year and the difference between last year when we picked them in Dallas to this year is just mind blowing. They’re more organized, more prepared, and you can tell they are working on becoming another great team in Texas.
Mike from 3481 and everyone else’s that helped when one of my students was injured on Friday in the stands, Thank you so much. To all of those people that brought get well soon cards and offered their support Spectrum is truly thankful. It is amazing to be a part of such a great community that cares for all of its members. She is doing well and will be back on her feet very soon.
Congratulations to team 1429 for winning the 2013 Lone Star Regional Chairman’s award. You guys have been doing great things for a long time in the Houston area.
To all the Houston Area rookie teams (4587, 4589, 4639, 4689) you all were awesome. Keep up the great work and we’ll see you back with even better robots and stronger teams next year.
Thank You to Lucia Sevick, Chris Culbert, Lyndon Bridgewater, Kris Verdeyen and all the other amazing volunteers that make this event possible each and every year. Lone Star would not be the same with out you and Spectrum can’t be more thankful that you choose to dedicate your time to making this event happen each year. THANK YOU.
A 3-peat for Finals and an Engineering Inspiration Award, or a Chairman’s Award would be nice
Seriously, though, most of us are still in disbelief over the past week and a half.
Mad respect goes out to the epic Dancin’ Purple Leopards alliance. I’ve always respected and had good interactions with the mentors and kids on the Discobots and the Leopards, and we can’t wait to see them at Alamo.
Wow this is really nice to hear. 3847 has been a big helping hand to us this year! Maybe we can meet up at Robot Remix and Robot RoundUp. We’re definitely going to attend both this year!
We had a blast at Lone Star Regional ! We were happy to be with our Houston friends Spectrum 3847 and Leopards 57 through to the Finals.
Congrats to 1429 for Chairman’s award, you guys run a great program and its a shame the website award is gone, we were going to make a run for your title this year!
Congrats to 118 for Engineering Inspiration, thanks for letting us practice with you the weekend before LSR, you guys have been inspiring us since our rookie year in 2008 !
Congrats to 3847 for Entrepreneurship award and helping us Scout this year! you crazy kids always put our team in Awe !
Congrats to 1477 for the Control award and helping us with our initial sheet metal fabrication.
These teams have made a huge impact on the Houston community and the awards are well-deserved!
Congrats to the regional champions Robonauts , Robowranglers and Texsplosion! It was a tough battle, next time we will try to have 3 robots playing at all times.
We were happy to see our HISD friends, 441 get to the playoffs and 4346 have a great regional showing !