Long list of Thanks/Congrats from 461.

Most of these are from the chicago regional but many of them apply beyond the regional into the past.

First off to Bob Evoy, Without your support (and giving us shannons :] ) we honestly dont think we would be a team still. You and the rest of truck has helped us so much over the last 4 years that it is almost impossible for us to express how much we appreciate it.
To team 68 Even though we didn’t get picked for the elims our last qual match was super great, we were kinda nervous going up against you guys, but we enjoyed that match as much if not more (from a drivers perspective) then any other match this season. It was a well fought match and you guys rock! Once again thank you guys for all you have done for us!
Team Hammond (71) Thank you all for inspiring us to do better and come up with great bots. A super amazing mega awsome thanks to the Noble family for all of the love and support you guys have given us, and thanks to Mr. Noble for letting me post those robot pics :D. Thanks to the rest of the Hammond team for the support on our robot and cheering us up even when our robot wasn’t doing great. Thanks to the hammond drive team, cuz you guys were fun to talk to and kept my spirits high. Ohh and thanks for all those clothes pins that i put in my hair!
Technokats Wow what can i say. To Andy Baker, thanks for putting up with us, and i’m sure that if your mom saw our robot she would be a fan:) To DJ, Clark, and Kyle, you guys rock and were more then friendly to our team. Just dont pick on molly to much, we still need her:) Thanks for keeping us inspired and keep giving us something to work towards. And super big congrats on taking home the big glass in chicago! Ohh and thanks for keeping my breath minty fresh and for the playing cards!
Panther Tech (292) Way to represent for indiana and bring home the big glass. I thought you guys did great in cleveland and was disapointed you got overlooked, way to make up for it in chicago by having such an amazing bot. Thanks for letting us cheer with you!
1064 Wildbeast. YOU GUYS ARE SUPAR COOL!!! WE HOPE YOU COME TO NATIONALS! (sorry about the caps, i got a bit excited) Kevin thanks for keeping john and i laughing and we wish you the best of luck in the future!
Team 1020, the Prank monkeys. Amanda thank you so much for coming out and showing support and listening to me complain:) You guys have the coolest shirts i have seen all season and i cant wait to own my own. We really appreciate the support and the Cheers.
Wildstang We may not know you guys as well as we know some of the other teams, but you guys give us something to strive for and look up to. You guys always have consistenly great robots and lots of spirit. And i dont know if you guys know it or not but our sensor set up and autonomous systems are very very similar which was also inspiring to us!
Missy from 135, thanks for rocking it old skool style and keeping out spirits high and cheering along with us! And congrats to your team on the Entrepreneurship award! I know you worked hard on it!
Super big thanks to team 447 You guys really kept me laughing, and your controls WERE SO FREAKING COOL! Great robot, great team. See you guys in houston!
Baxter Team #16 , You guys rocked so much, i loved the controls and thanks for working with us in our big scoring match of the competition (220 aint bad if you ask me). And thanks for the tote handler award, those awards are so cool looking that you gave out!
Team 81 thank you so much to Mr. Dale for help with the programming and thanks for the award!
Team 217 Thanks for the spirit award, you guys rock! Congrats on doing so well throughout the entire competition and we love to see other teams with great spirit!
The Schnepp Family Thank you so much for the support, the pop, and all the great pictures you take for us! And for letting us stay at your house whenever we head up to the detroit area!
Huskie Brigade (65) Thank you guys for cheering with us and being so freaking cool! Loved the dog tags and loved your spirit!
Also thanks to everyone who did the go nuts cheer with us! We loved that so freaking much! LETS ALL GO NUTS!! ROBOTS! ROBOTS!
Team 108 Thanks for the internet connection and i think we borrowed a wireless card from you guys at one point. Ubersweet!!
Team 930 You guys had the absolute coolest trading items and i agree with my team that we should thank you for coming up with such cool stuff to give away!
Kevin Braman Thanks for watching the webcast and i hope you enjoyed the sign. Did anyone notice me doing the Newtie dance before one match?!?!?!
Purdue Student Engineering Foundation Thanks for coming out and showing us support! WE LOVED THE PIZZA TOO!
Team 648 We thought you guys rocked! So much spirit! Thanks for cheering with us and being loud and noisy and just making it more fun for everyone! Congrats on a job well done!
Last but not least i would like to thank the Hammond Bot Booster and especialy the West Lafayette Bot Booster because you guys really showed us support through thick and thin! We really appreciate all the love you guys give us!

To all of our parents, family, and friends who came out thank you guys for the support.

And finaly a personal thanks from me, thank you to my team. I love you all so much, as you all know this was my last regional (and chicago is always my favorite) and i really really really really want to thank you guys for making it great. Thanks for keeping me in line and giving me a smack upside the head when i needed it. Thanks for the hardwork and thanks for the love you guys give me. And thanks for 3 great years of robots. Super special thanks to John my basedriver, we improved so much together at this competition, i am sure we will improve alot more, thank you for getting the arm where it needs to be to get our job done. Thanks to julie for getting our stacks were we needed them! You roxor my stax0r, your a stax0r hax0r! Thanks to Mr. V for being the most amazing stratagist in the world and always knowing whats going on all over the field. Thanks you to shannon for all the love and support you give me, same goes it Noble, EJ, Tessa, Matt, Raj, Carl, Tony, Becca, Jerry, Adam, Weecho, Javi, Chris, Molly, Flo, Mr. V, Proffesor Chiu, and Proffesor Harriger! And thanks in advance for a great time in houston!

If anyone on my team thinks of any more… PM me and tell me what they are and i’ll add them to the list. I already added like 6 things since this morning.

*Originally posted by oneangrydwarf *
Team 1020, the Prank monkeys. Amanda thank you so much for coming out and showing support and listening to me complain:) You guys have the coolest shirts i have seen all season and i cant wait to own my own. We really appreciate the support and the Cheers.

Thank you so much!

Team 461 actually fought to be our mentor team this past year but were unable to because of difficulties with FIRST events. They are a great team and have given us a lot of help and advice, especially Chris Noble and Josh Hambright. You are a great team and deserved the Chairman’s!

I cant wait till IRI when we get to compete with you! Hopefully you’ll get your robot all super tricked out and stuff and kick sum booty!

u guys rule! I wish we coulda mentored you officialy! We’ll still help you guys out in any way you need!

Josh–I know you wrote this awhile ago, but I like to come back to it cuz honestly our whole team should be giving the thanks that you are. This year has been awesome and you and I both know how much this program rocks. FIRST is like a blueprint for the future of American engineers. Honestly, without FIRST, I probably wouldn’t be going into engineering, and I probably wouldn’t be going to Purdue. FIRST is one of the greatest things that anyone (credit to Dean Kamen, obviously) has ever done to truly inspire the youth of the nation, and now the world. Josh, the past three years have been awesome with you–I wish you also could have been there the first year!! As you know, I am definitely going to PU next year, and I will more than likely come back as an advisor :slight_smile: I look forward to working with you yet again.

Thanks for everything!

Thanks jules:)

I doubt if you remeber this…but the first year of the team i was infact on the team…but i only came to like 3 meetings cuz i didn’t yet realize how cool it was and cuz the first year was so crazy on our team…nobody seemed to know what was going on, and so i just never came back after 3 meetings…
Chris claims to remeber me:)
Thats why i can sorta claim to have been on the team for all 4 years but i usualy dont:)

I cant wait to be advisors together next year:) Though since i found out friday i wont be getting my scholarship to IVY TEch i dont know what i’m doing now.

Wow Hambright…I think you pretty much have everything covered there…you’re starting to talk almost as much as me or Flo hahaha!!! :smiley: But I do think that you forgot some people that are extremely important…ALL OF THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!!! I want to thank all of YOU because you guys are amazing! Without you not only would there not be a program, but there wouldn’t be a robot, Chairman’s Award or an animation…this could NEVER happen without you!!! You all are absolutely amazing and I can say that it has been my pleasure working with you! You have all been an inspiration to me and helped me become the person I am. Even when things were stressful, you were always there to show us what this program is all about…thanks for keeping the entire team’s spirits high! You John, and Julie have done a freakin awesome job as the ryve team and have all become great leaders of WBI! I want you to always remember to believe in yourself…you can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it! I look forward to seeing you guys carry on the awesome tradition of WBI and I’m pumped to see all the amazing things you do in your future! So here’s to all of the awesome high school students who are our future…and a bright future at that! :]

Thanks shannon!

We really appreciate those kind words… And its nice to see your becoming hooked on CD like me, julie, john, and loesch!

Hey no thanks needed!!! I just wanted to let you know how much you guys ROCK and that I love you all!!!

Yeah yeah, here I am a CD addict…what have you done to me Josh???

Come on shannon start posting:)

I just broke 500 posts this weekend, you gotta catch up!

Trust me I’d rather be posting on Cheif than doing my project that I haven’t slept all night for!!! College would be so much fun without projects, homework and tests!

Oh and I just want to comment on the fact that you thanked Evoy for “giving us shannons” and not my parents…I just found that rather humorous :slight_smile: hahahaha