Posted by Jason Morrella at 04/11/2001 8:36 PM EST
Coach on team #254, Cheesy Poofs, from Bellarmine College Prep & others and NASA Ames/Cypress Semiconductor/Unity Care.
In Reply to: Long post - this year’s game was tough - here’s why:
Posted by Alan Federman on 04/11/2001 6:36 PM EST:
You are a little off on this one. First, I agree that the game was difficult this year - but don’t go and discount rookies and 2nd year teams. Your team and ours have both (along with numerous other teams) proven that 1st, 2nd, 3rd year teams can compete with anyone.
Also - I find your reference to “more resources” leading to the success of certain teams to be a little irresponsible. I wouldn’t pretend to “know” what resources those teams have, as you shouldn’t. I do know that your team had more funding than our team and many others, and also enjoyed assistance from the NASA machine shop just like our team. How teams decide to spend their funding is up to them - some build parts of the field, send a “mini” team to a second regional, some build a practice robot or modify a previous years robot to help the drivers practice (which ANY returning team can do regardless of resources - you have the robot & controls from last year - it’s up to you how to use them).
We didn’t have a full practice field, not even close - we had a bridge, 2 goals, and only about 20 feet of space - just like a vast majority of FIRST teams built. We didn’t have anything like alliance stations, or a field border, and only built half of the center barrier so that OTHER teams (like yours) could practice on our very partial field.
Our team is in the middle of the pack in terms of funding & resources - and it took us 3 years to get to this point after 2 years of struggling to send just 5 kids to Orlando. Some of the other teams you mentioned are also middle of the pack in terms of funding - not teams overflowing with money & resources. While we were a team who built a less than perfect 2nd robot to practice with - most of the teams you mentioned above DID NOT. And we didn’t have a 2nd robot last year, and were virtually just as successful.
I can only comment with a limited amount of knowledge about the West Coast teams I know well. Team 192 does have a wonderful facility and resources - but it took them YEARS of hard work to build that up. And personally, I would attribute the success of the robots of teams 60,115,192, ours (254), and others to the knowledge and experience their teams have gained building robots over the past few years MUCH MORE than any resources they may have.
I also know of more than a few veteran teams with HUGE funding, great resources, annually have great teams, and went to 2 or 3 regionals who NEVER made the finals in one regional or the playoffs in Orlando. So maybe it’s not resources that lead to success, but many other things like design, construction, driving, luck, and more.
Finally - when looking at the correlation of success this year, resources, and 1st / 2nd year teams - look at our partners who won the Southern California & Silicon Valley Regionals.
Team 294 only competed in one regional, has ALMOST NO resources and almost had to withdraw from Orlando - yet they are NATIONAL & REGIONAL CHAMPS.
The 3 Hawaii teams consist of a rookie and 2nd year teams who won their regional and another 2nd year team who seeded and came in third.(and again, the Hawaii teams have to struggle just to attend ONE regional)
Team 260 (again, NO resources) and won the only regional the competed in and seeded 14th in their National Division.
Team 698 - a rookie, seeded 5th, and won the SoCal Regional - the only event they could afford to enter.
And I could list MANY MORE 1st & 2nd year teams with no resources who built VERY strong robots this year.
These teams figured out the game, designed & built VERY good robots with VERY limited resources, and out performed MANY teams with more experience and more resources. GOOD FOR THEM!!!
And one more thing about those teams you mentioned like 71 Beatty, 192 Gunn, 45 Delphi, 254 Cheesy Poofs, 60 Kingman, 175 Buzz, and others you didn’t mention…like 294,260,Hawaii teams, etc…
They all had TREMENDOUS success at the VERY FIRST regional they attended, and many of them won. It wasn’t due to more resources which allowed them to attend extra regionals or get extra practice - they won their FIRST regionals (and continued to do well at other reigonal and the Nationals for those able to attend) becuase they figured out this years game and designed/built great robots. That’s it.
sorry to babble on - just a little more than my 2 cents.