look its me on a LEGOway

I am the guy in the blue helmet



HAHA…thats top quality

First off, we know it’s not you (but it is funny)
Second, how did you do that?
And can you make a better quality picture?

ha ha ha!!! thats great brad

woah…how did you make/get the mini-segway?

here are some more pics. These ones are alot better quality thanks to my Digital camera I just got to work.(It hasnt worked since I installed XP)

legoway parts.jpg

legoway parts.jpg

2 LEGOways






LEGOway compared to a quarter



wow…thats really creative
i know what i’m doing friday

You cannot copy my idea !!! :rolleyes: :slight_smile:

Now if you can make it self balanecing, I would be impresed.
Time to get to work to buid lego modles of the robots that I have pictures of. I’ll take pictures of them if I ever actually do this. Maybe some people can help and make a lego modle of thier team’s robot. Hope I have enough leg pieces!

That’s pretty cool…

I think u just gave me a reason to dig out some old legos during my 4 day weekend…


Cool. I need to buy some today to build one!

yep, make lego robot, hehe. i think just about everyone has old lego’s laying around somewhere…no wonder lego is so easy to sponsor the lego robotics competition…they made a fortune off all of us already

Could you post the directions up here? I think I want to make a few for Gifts.

just look at it and make it…i mean, if you played with legos when you were little that should be no challange for you to make

I gave you a pic of the parts… i might be able to give you a few more pics???

An overhead Kit of Parts view would be nice :smiley:

As seen here: http://www.segway.com/segway/biz_app.html

and here: http://www.segway.com/segway/expected_uses.html

I came up with this with a logo and an alien which has taken over!

segway + alien.bmp (181 KB)

segway + alien.bmp (181 KB)