Looking for 80t 32 DP Gear - 217-5868

So we have been having issues with one of our gearboxes with the fact that it’s extremely loud and not been driving straight. We replaced the pinions on the motors in said gearbox and it cleaned up for about 30 minutes but went back to it’s previous state of sounding like garbage and not even coming close to operating properly. We traced the sound and issues down to the 80t gear, but every vendor is sold out of the steel version. We really want to avoid the aluminum since it’s in a drivetrain gearbox. Does anybody by any chance have any space gears we could purchase off of to get us by?

We are tempted to just recreate the one plate and switch over to 20 DP pinions, but that isn’t desirable. We ran 775 gearboxes last season and never had issues like this, and created multiple off season gearboxes, but are only having this issue with our practice bot’s one gearbox, the other side sounds perfectly fine.

TL;DR, we are looking for 80t 32DP Gears

If worse comes to worse, rushgears.com on your doorstep in 48hrs. Comes at a cost tho.

I have it in aluminum. 217-5864

I have it in both steel and aluminum. Send me a message

Out of curiosity, I quoted the gears. $6000 to get one within 72 hours from rushgears.

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He wasn’t kidding!

Ya I didn’t really know how much it would cost, i have only used them a couple times when we needed a set of partly custom, partly hard to find gears that same week at work, and in that case cost is a non-factor

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