Looking for a certain mechanism

Something that popped into my head this afternoon and I thought might be useful in some situations. I’m looking for something that could disconnect the flow of power between gear stages without turning the gearbox off, and to do that whenever the system is experiencing a certain amount of resistence using purely mechanical means. which means no pneumatics or electronics, and no human input. it doesn’t have to be able to reset itself back to normal condition however. basically like a fuse but for power transmission.

I’m sure someone has already done this before at some point, so feel free to share. thanks in advance.

You’re looking for a clutch of a particular type. These aren’t typically used in FRC, but there are ways to do it.

One of the easier ways to do this for FRC would be a V-belt–if you set it up right, the V-belt can slip at a certain applied torque and then self-reset once things stop.


You can see some details for another way to build a clutch here: Is it worth it to have a retractable intake powered by pneumatics if pneumatics won't serve any other purpose? - #17 by Jon_Stratis


I first though of a clutch, but that usually requires some type of human input to work. never heard of one that activated by itself. very cool!

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If you’re okay with this, then you could very simply couple a pulley/gear to a shaft using a pin that will shear in half at a certain torque. Roll pins are commonly used for this.

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I’d recommend round poly belting. Since you make those to size you can adjust the length to vary the tension and thus the torque required to slip.

118 had a pretty ingenious clutch mechanism in their 2020 indexer:

(explained at around 3:30)


The term is slip clutch and there are many examples in industrial and agricultural driveline applications. Also nearly every cordless drill/driver has a nice adjustable one in it.

You can get torque limited shaft couplings from McMaster or hack up a drill as most have them.

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