Looking for a team currently using WCP Swerve XS modules and code

We are using Kraken motors to drive and VEX 775 plus TalonSRX for steering. Each module also has a CANcoder. We cannot get the CANcoder to show up as an available remote sensor for our motor controller. We are using Phoenix 5 and the firmware is up to date. Searching for advice.

Have you tried YAGSL yet?

We are using our base swerve code from our 2023 robot (full size swerve with/ Falcons). Trying to understand why CANcoder won’t play nicely with SRX.

The CANCoders are also Phoenix v5 to match the SRX?

One our programmers here. Yes, we did try downgrading all CANCoders to Phoenix 5 firmware.

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