Looking for correct motor shafts for Swerve MK4i, Neo Vortex, and SPARK flex

Team 3278 is new to Swerve this year. We purchased MK4i Swerve with Neo Vortex motors and SPARK Flex motor controllers. We are struggling to find the correct shafts for the motors. Any input would be appreciated.

ive never worked with the neo vortex but i would assume its the Vortex Shaft - 8mm

It is the normal 8mm shaft. I suggest getting bearings and spacers to use in the top plate, they support the end of the shaft. Just to be warned there were issues with the vortex motors on the mk4i modules last year. The face plate of the motors will break for no reason. To my knowledge Rev never found a cure to the problem since it was only an issue with mk4i’s. We are swapping to Krakens this year so we don’t have to worry about it along with being able to put our drivetrain on its own can bus using a CANivore. I do have to say that the rpm boost of the vortex with L2 gearing was pretty darn quick, we tried the 16t pinion but lost acceleration and didn’t gain enough usable topend speed. The L2 with the standard 14t pinion had plenty of pushing power along with top speed. We did not have L3 gearing to try last year so i cannot say as to the feasibility of topend vs acceleration with the vortex motors.