I am looking for examples from other teams of how they use LED lights for feedback. This includes both LED light strips and LED matrix boards such as the CTRE CANdle.
If I find examples from behind the bumpers I will post it here.
I am looking for examples from other teams of how they use LED lights for feedback. This includes both LED light strips and LED matrix boards such as the CTRE CANdle.
If I find examples from behind the bumpers I will post it here.
How about LEDs on the roboRIO digital outputs? When troubleshooting the I2C bus lockups we used the DigitialOutputs with LEDs inserted to indicate where in the code the program stopped (count in binary, of course).
From our robot last year:
Everything else was just us expressing ourselves with our pieces of flair.
Basically, just put info there that’s critical to enter your driver’s brain. If it shouldn’t cause them to change behavior, don’t put it there.
Green when in shooting range.
Orange when 30 sec remaining.
Team colors otherwise
Here’s a link to one of our offseason matches (we are 2539):
We used green to indicate that the robot was aimed, and the resting color was the alliance color. Our robot would flash white when it had two balls inside. We also had a machine learning ball pickup system, and the robot would turn purple when that was active.
We just started using a CANdle today, and we plan on using it this year for better control over our LEDs.
So for our robot, we had several indicators from the LED strips on each side of the Limelight support brackets.
Alliance color = normal operation
Purple = targeting (when the operator selected for a target lock on the goal)
Bright purple = target locked and ready to shoot
Green = climb activated
Here’s one of our matches from NCDCMP where you can see all the modes in action:
We’re down front on red and run the five ball auto. You can see that the indicators work even during the auto run.
We kept ours pretty simple to conserve battery power.
Red - one Cargo
Blue - two Cargo
The rest of the match they were off.
It looks like it works well, the only thing I might be concerned about is using red and blue when they are also the alliance color. Other than that it’s great!
Fish-based color analogies are the best.
shameless plug of our robot
team 1757, our states were:
Green: two balls, turret on target
Blue: one ball, turret on target
Purple: two balls, turret NOT on target
Yellow: one ball, turret NOT on target
Red: no balls
254 in 2017 is another good example. Flashed ring light on gear pickup.
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