Looking for gears from BostonGear in Inventor..

And I have checked the First CAD library, I got two 20 Diametral Pitch gears from there. However, they don’t have the gears in 24 Diametral Pitch. I’m wondering if everyone has the follow gears I am looking for. Thanks.

*All gears are in 24 diametral pitch and 20 degrees pressure angle

30 teeth, 1.25"PD
42 teeth, 1.75"PD
60 teeth, 2.5"PD
12 teeth, 0.5"PD

You may find what you are looking for here http://www.cbliss.com/inventor/Parts/PowerTransmission/

I did. I didn’t find any 24 diametral pitch gears. They only 20 diametral pitch.

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Try using the Ispurgear…I believe thay would have what your looking for and then some.


For most purposes, I find it easier to simply use cylinders in place of actual involute teeth–it’s just too difficult to model an accurate involute. (Not impossible, just messy and difficult!)

If it’s for display, the teeth may look nice, but it’s actually easier to just work with a cylinder with the diameter equal to the gear’s pitch diameter. There’s less work for the computer to do (rendering and evaluating all those faces), and it’s easier for the designer to select and manipulate the part.

Like this…
(Note: that’s an improved version of the Woburn Robotics 2004 gearbox…)

Go to www.bostongear.com and go to the “Bostpec” tab. They have every gear in their inventory (at least I have always gotten what I have needed) as a solid model in either native form or a generic format (IGES, STEP, PARASOLID, etc.).

I just looked o the site and they do not have inventor parts native, but they do have several generic formats that Inventor should be able to import. Here is a list in order of most robust to least robust:

  1. Parasolid
  2. STEP
  3. ACIS
  4. STL
  5. IGES

You will get an e-mail with a zipped file containing the solid model.


P.S. - I agree with Tristan regarding the gear teeth. However, you should also model a version showing the OUTSIDE diameter of the gear to make sure there are no clearance issues.

Last time I went to their site to get specs and I thought they would send me the spec by mail, so I didn’t sign up. Thanks for telling that.

I acutlly did creat the gears in cylinder, but I thought I might have to prsent it. That’s why I need the gears.

P.S Nice gearbox!