looking for ideas

Recently my FRC team decided to keep hors duing the build season with punch cards. Well this got annoying fast, so now I have developed at my personal site a time clock system.

Now after a good “test run” durring the 2008 build season. There where things i really did not like about it. I am currently redesigning it and have a tenitive release date of June 22, 2008 This new system works a lot smother and can has a better permission system.

I am still looking for idea’s to add to it but it has come a long way. I thought it’d be a good idea to announce it and see what everyone wanted(IE: one person wanted me to make it say hello <yourname>). A meber of my FRC (1024) said it might be a good idea to announce it on Chief Delfi, so if you have any ideas please reply to them here and I will periodicly check in on it. Also if your FRC team wants to use this system/get a test run of it have the team sponser contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) this is a free service I am just trying to avoid spamers.

We use a spreadsheet to count our hours, and a sign in/out log book that has a line in which we must summarize what we did that day.