Looking for Inventor File: #35 Half Link for Chain

Hello everyone,

I have been looking online for a #35 Half Link for Chain, and I cannot seem to find it. Does anyone know where I could find one? If not, does anyone know where I can find the exact dimensions of the half link? Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

-Eric DelSanto

Have you checked the #35 links in the KOP?

Is this what you want? McMaster Carr part number 6261K261. Page 1016.

Also, W. W. Grainger probably has them and may be local to you.

I have attached one of my models… its close

Chain#35_half_link.ipt (255 KB)

Chain#35_half_link.ipt (255 KB)

Thanks everyone for the help. Jeff, that is perfect, thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Jeff 801,

Thanks for helping out on this one.