Hi, I am a 3rd year engineering student pursuing my degree in Mechatronic Engineering at CSU Chico. I am currently enrolled in an engineering focused economics and statistics class which requires an end of the semester decision analysis project. Having participated in the FIRST FRC program for three years at my high school and now just finishing my third year of mentoring during the 2012 season I am interested in using the FRC competition and general robot design process as a background for the project stated above.
To be brief, “The project should develop and document at least least 3 competing alternatives (design choices) from which you will demonstrate the best decision (based on maximum expected value or utility)”.
In order to complete this project I need relevant data (match statistics) that could potentially prove or disprove a design idea (ie. a manipulator design or shooter mechanism).
It would be great if teams could provide match statistics from the most recent game (2012 Rebound Rumble) from across the various regionals around the world, the more the better.
If anyone has any other input that would be greatly appriciated. Thanks
**TL;DR I need statistics match data from the most recent regional events. **